How To Make $$$ From This Site For Free
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On this site you can :
1) See and copy free profitable trade setups from -- Non Members Trade Setups page or Members Trade Setups page All you need is a Binance account . Use the link below to get 50% discount on trading fees.
Binance Link - 50% discount on trading fees.
Please Note:
Non Members Trade Setups only show a few trade setups.
Members Trade Setups show all the trade setups.
To get access to Members Trade Setups you will need to open a new trading account on Binance with this Binance affiliate link, and , use the same email address to sign up to be a member here, (once it is confirmed that the email address that you used to sign up here, also shows in FreeCommuntiyCrypto 's Binance account affiliate list , your membership will be approved).
In this way Binance(not you) will give a small (very small) kick back to this website .
This allows the website to continue and to provide this info to you for free.
This is perfect if you are a new trader on Binance but still good if you already have an account.
This is the best deal in the crypto trading space.
The link also allows you 50% discount on your tradinfg fees.
Binance affilliate sign up link: (this link also allows you 50% off your trading fees).
2)See the strategy on which these trade setups are based and how to be profitable -- Starters Page
3) Get safe/secure and free sign up links to the best exchanges.(These links also provide discounts on your trading fees - some discounts as high as 50%. )
4) See Crypto Passive Income Platforms -- Best Passive Crypto Investments